Thursday, July 12, 2012

Finally a Familiar Place

Peter and Osmara hard at work
July 12, 2012
Guadalajara, Mexico

After a great night in the wonderfully charming city of Queretaro its great to be back in a familiar place. It feels like I've been on the road for so long now that when I pulled into a familiar city, found my old hostel, and saw numerous old faces from the last time I was here a week ago it couldn't have been nicer. The day I left Guadalajara I realized I didn't get the contact info of my Irish friend Peter and kicking myself I accepted that I'd probably never get to hear how the end of his lady wooing would go. But as luck would have it pulling in at 5:00pm after a long 6 hour ride, my longest in a while, their he was in his usual spot taking his daily Spanish lesson. Where I've had a few problems on my trip so far for the most part things have had a great way of just working out.

I didn't get to spend much time in Queretaro as I'm now making my way over to the Pacific coast to eat up a few days of sun on the beach, but what I did see was probably one of the nicest and wealthiest cities I've been to while in Mexico. Every other block had wonderful squares with tall trees boasting incredibly groomed leaves and theirs a great assortment of modern dinning and drinking establishments scattered through out the city. The city was celebrating its 101st something or other so there was events every single day of the month and I got to see some great live music for free.

If I would have had the time I could have easily spent more time in the gorgeous city of Queretaro. What was really nice though was the hostel I was staying at had a great vibe also being one of the nicest that I had stayed at. The truth is though my time is running short and even though I have a little less then three weeks to get home, I'm starting to feel the time crunch. On this whole trip I've been to the beach only once and that was just a break on a long ride. Tomorrow though I make my way for a small surfer town hopefully to find what I've been looking for since setting out on my journey. A hammock, a cold cerveza, and some waves.
One of the many great squares in Queretaro

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