July 16, 2012
Zacatecas, Mexico
Its nice to once
again be back in the quaint and familiar city of Zacatecas. For the
first time ever I didn't need to use my GPS to find my old hostel as
its impossible to miss now due to its proximity to the massive
cathedral in the town's center. Now this doesn't mean that I was
able to go straight to my hostel though. I actually managed to do
three full circles around the block looking for the right one way
street before realizing that I had to go up a little further to get
to where wanted. I guess that's not exactly lost, but at the end of
a 6 hour ride its just plain annoying.

Although it seems
like so long ago that I wrote about the ride from Zacatecas to
Aguascalientes the truth is it was exactly two week ago that I took
same mind blowing ride, just going in the opposite direction. With a
few days off the bike, and some new found confidence from knowing a
little of what to expect I pushed Saphira to her limits today on the
winding, dangerous curves, and switchbacks through some of Mexico's
most beautiful mountains. Instead of keeping her around 30 mph today
I kept it mostly around 50 and had a total blast. Again the sites
were out of this world and I even managed to find a little picnic
area this time to take a break. When I got my bike a couple months
back one of my bosses said that when you were really comfortable with
it you'd manage to scrap the pegs turning too sharply. For the first
time today I actually did that and after realizing what I had done
let out a loud YEAH! and gave it more gas. While for the next trip,
where ever that may be, I should probably consider investing in a
newer bike, as of now Saphira and I are perfectly in tune.
Repeatedly leaning one way, and then sharply to the other today's
ride was absolutely incredible again feeling like a scene out of a
video game or movie. A nice bonus as well: it's also a free road.
Egh I tried... |
Tomorrow I'll be
making my way to my last city in Mexico to be explored before
crossing back into the US. Hopefully after an early start I should
be rolling into the peaceful town of Saltillo perfectly complimenting
its bustling border city of Monterrey not to late to do some last
minute site seeing in Mexico before heading for the border. While my
time in Mexico has been absolutely unreal, I can't say that I'm not a
little excited to be getting even closer to my own country and my
A last great meal of fish tacos in Guadalajara well worth the wait! |
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