Thursday, July 26, 2012

Memphis in the Buff!

Smells like the KING in here!
July 26th, 2012
Nashville, Tennessee

Driving into Memphis I honestly had no idea what was a head of me. I knew I loved BBQ more then most people should and that music was one of the most important aspects of my life, but the big question in the back of my mind was what it would be like spending two days Couching Surfing with a gay nudist. Of course I had no qualms at all about Keith being gay as a lot of my friends are and I quite frankly don't care who you like to get it on with, as long as your safe, legal, and careful. But the big question was the nudism: Just how far did my open mindedness stretch?

I should probably pause here to give everyone a little background on myself just so you know where I'm coming from. My best friend who was my best man in my wedding is gay, I've probably gone out to more gay clubs in my life then many other LGBT people, and I'm totally comfortable with body as evidence of my home life. But how those characteristics would translate into being nude in front of another male; I truly had no idea.

To my incredible surprise though Keith has been one of the nicest people I've met on my trip so far. He really is an inspiration to Couch Surfers everywhere and has to be without a doubt one of the most welcoming people I've ever met with or without clothes on. His house is an incredible ray of comfort after a two month long trip, and the fact that he shares his food, dining, alcohol and pretty much everything else with you a real treat. I think he found out early on that hiding things normally gets you no where, and just like his dress at home he's an open book which is incredibly refreshing in this day and age. You can ask him any question and he'll freely answer often continuing on answering numerous others unknowingly. I found out quickly that being nude to him has almost nothing to do with sex (though he admits sex is a lot more fun when naked!) and that for him its simply an expression of his freedom, and the wonders of the human body.

After only a short couple of hours I had no choice but to join him in his freedom and as weird as that sounds, if you knew Keith the way myself and all the other couch surfers before me do, you'd know its really not at all. It simply feels natural and I really believe that if everyone was as comfortable with the human body as Keith was, America and the entire world would be facing a lot less difficulties due to body image issues and the countless problems that can cause. While I got a lot more information in a fantastic interview with Keith last night, like always its going to take me a while to go through it, edit it, and post it, but for anyone curious you should really watch for it to come out.

Besides hanging out and spending numerous hours chatting away into the night with Keith my time in Memphis was really spectacular. Both nights I got to enjoy delicious BBQ pulled pork, and the second day I finally left the pool and made it down town. I got to walk the mythical Beale Street and even got treated to a little bit of free Soul Music while walking through the park. The big treat of my trip was a tour of Sun studios though, seeing exactly where mythical musicians like Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, and of course Elvis recorded. At this point in my journey I'm definitely happy to be quickly approaching home, but Memphis proved to be a memorable stopping point. Hopefully someday I'll get to see Keith again, and hopefully someday he'll be able to tell me that he finally went to the Burning Man festival he's considered going to for so long.

Got to cross the mighty Mississippi by bike!
One part that I forgot to mention was that in driving to Memphis I felt like changing things up a little and that I was most severely punished for it. I knew I only had a 2 hour ride and seeing so many other bikers riding around in minimal clothes I decided to stow my heavy gear and helmet and try the minimalist approach (perhaps in preparation for meeting Keith?). As great as it felt in the beginning by the time I actually arrived in Memphis I was totally fried by the sun and all exposed skin had long since turned red. Taking a lesson from that experience today I was back in my full ridding gear and even comfortable because it almost feels like my clothes give me a small layer of protection against the hot blasting air cruising down the road at 80mph.

I'm finally checked into my hostel though and so far so good with the small exception of one thing. I know I'm a teacher by nature and this should be something that I appreciate, but it appears that there are rules written everywhere! “Please do not open the window, Please enjoy alcohol but don't get drunk, Please... etc.” So far my favorite is a sign on the microwave in the kitchen begging hostel goers not to microwave anything during certain hours. While I know rules are important, I can't help feel that instead of writing all these stupid signs they could just try and talk to there guests, or at least spend some of that time on the upkeep of the hostel. Now I'm getting a little grouchy I know, but so many rules just seem to rub me the wrong way. After all when first entering a hostel you're really looking forward to learning all the things you can do, not being told all the things you can't by stupid little pieces of paper. I promise to give the Music City Hostel a fair chance though now that I'm done venting and who knows? Maybe they'll read my blog, consider their evil ways, and create a wonderful little bonfire in the back yard. Haven't seen any rules against that! Oh wait there it is: “No using our stupid little pieces of paper with our insensate rule dictations to fuel massive bonfires to the massive glee of all who stays here...”

1 comment:

  1. Great article on being nude in Memphis. We also surfed with this host and had a blast!


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