June 26, 2012
Killeen Texas
It's late, I'm back in my
favorite city Killeen, the laundries been done, and Ian and I have
already begun reminiscing about the best parts of our trip together.
Although we're still having a good time relaxing with a movie and
some ps3 in his cell, things have gotten a little quieter between us
with heavy thoughts of our pending departure on both of our minds.
I've read before that when traveling solo its hard to meet up with
someone else after you've gotten used to your own schedule and I
found that to be completely true. While I was used to coming and
going when I wanted its disrupts your balance to have someone’s
desires and timetables thrown into the mix. But after over a week of
being together I've really gotten used to having my brother on the
back of my bike. With his backpack perched perfectly strapped down
on my trunk and him pushing as far back in the seat as he can to give
me a little extra (but still no wheres near enough) space his fun
loving nature has made him a perfect rider . We have once again
become comfortable traveling companions and now the only strange part
tomorrow will be not having him back there. While I'm sure that
we'll travel together again someday it will without a doubt be a sad
departure tomorrow none of us are looking forward to because the way
our lives have taken us we just don't get to see each other as much
as we'd like. Hopefully on my return in a couple of weeks with any
luck I'll at least be able to stop in for some crappy junk food and
maybe even dunk him in the pool a few more times.
Yet as sad as our
departure will be we really had an incredible last couple of days
together. Yesterday we took the most incredibly scenic road to Inks
Lake park where the sights were out of this world and the state park
was the best one I have ever been to. At the swimming area expertly
named The Devil's Watering Hole thrill seeking swimmers willing to
jump at there own risks can chose between a 10, 15, and 35 foot
cliff. Of course with me being the dangerous (read senseless)
thrill seeker that I am, my first jump had to be from the highest
ledge. While I enjoy doing these things that isn't to say that I'm
not terrified of doing them and this time proved to be no different.
Yes it was rush, yes it hurt a lot, and no I won't do it again for at
least a few months but it was awesome...

Jumping off to keep
my foot from being crushed and cursing my stupidity after the bike
came to rest I told Ian to help me get her back upright before any of
the cars driving by saw us. This was accomplished with an enormous
amount of effort in the late afternoon sun and then we sheepishly set
back out again on our merry way this time for another park right
outside of Marble Falls.

As we stumbled home
I don't think we could have had a better day. 2 state parks, without
a doubt the best drive I had made so far, and another great night out
to top it off. I've had an incredible time with Ian, but as of
6:00am tomorrow morning he will be heading North by plane, and I'll
be heading South to get as close to the border as I can in
preparation for an early border crossing Thursday morning into
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