Thursday, November 21, 2013

Trading in the wheels for feet...

Last week marked a pretty big anniversary for myself.  Exactly 1 year ago I had my hopes and dreams totally swept out from underneath me in a crushing personally defeat of epic magnitude.  I'm referring to one of the darkest moments in my past:  The Philadelphia Marathon of course.

After training with my new running partner Dean for months I was faster then ever.  I had scored a personal best at the Niagara Falls Half Marathon with a smoking 1:57.  Now that may not seem fast to many (or maybe most), but for a man 5'10'' well over 200 pounds who had a long history of deep loathing for running that was pretty quick!  A little less then a year before that I had also achieved a commendable full marathon time in Rochester at 4:37 so I thought I had the experience and the speed this time to blow the doors off Philadelphia.  But fate is a fickle fiend and that didn't happen.  I finished all 26.2 miles but it was a painful retched experience that I've had nightmares about ever since.  In fact I've probably run less then a total of 10 miles in the last year because of it, so I know getting back into it won't be pretty...

Getting back into it?  Yep thats exactly what I'm going to try and do.  I love the sport, love the endurance and mental toughness it takes, and love how personal running is.  It's truly a practice in escapism and I have a new running goal.  One more marathon.  New shiny medal: Get ready cause here I come!

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